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Apr 28, 20162 min read
4 Quick and Easy Rowing Stretches (Video)
Video Transcription (00:01) Hi, I'm Dr. Gianna Bigliani, physical therapist and owner at Fluid Physio. Today I want to show you four very...

Apr 20, 20164 min read
A Self-Movement Screen (Video)
Ready to start a new workout routine, sport, or season? Use this simple self-screen to take yourself through four different movements...

Apr 16, 20166 min read
Keep From Falling Into Injury
Although you know how to create a path to the top of the mountain or wall while avoiding a fall, it is sometimes difficult to recognize...

Apr 9, 20162 min read
A pain in the butt. Literally!!
Tired of pulling a chain attached to a fan while sitting on the most uncomfortable piece of plastic on wheels? Out of all the people I...

Apr 2, 20163 min read
How can manual therapy keep me in the riding?
Phil is an avid athlete in his late forties. When he isn’t riding his bike, running, or exercising, Phil makes origami necklaces. He has...

Mar 26, 20162 min read
You can’t keep me inside!
The weather is supposed to be beautiful after this crazy blizzard, so you need to go outside! You are thinking of taking out your bike,...

Mar 20, 20162 min read
Dig yourself out of your house, not into back pain!
After this crazy blizzard it is safe to say that most of us may have to shovel out some snow. When I lived in Philadelphia shoveling was...
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