Getting back on the bike should not hurt. Ok, maybe a little muscle soreness if you have not done it since last fall. Getting your bike professionally fitted should be your first move, but until you do it, here are some common sources of pain and how to troubleshoot them:
Low back pain: saddle too high or low, poor core strength. Check your position; if your hips rock side to side when you pedal it’s too high. If your knee goes above hip level at the top of the stroke it’s too low. Check your posture; aim to have a flat back with normal low-back curvature. You may need to bring your handlebars and saddle closer to level each other. Core weakness can also contribute to your pain!
Knee pain: saddle height, cleat position. Pain in front of the knee, saddle too low. Pain behind or on the outside of the knee, maybe too high. Cleat position may also be a culprit, and leave this to the fitting professionals to check out.
Hand pain: too much weight on your hands or bend in the wrists. Level the saddle; nose down means too much weight on the hands. Same with handlebars that are too low.
Neck pain: too stretched out. Check the neutral head position; tuck your chin in to position your head and your shoulders should be able to make a 90 degree angle or slightly less between your upper arms and torso. Anything higher and a more forward position head puts stress in the neck and head.
For excellent professional bike fitting in our area, visit Sour Land Cycles' website.
For taking care of the pain, you know who to call, 609-436-0366!