Let me start by saying that I have stenosis. Unfortunately for me, this is not curable. After many doctor visits and many shots which worked for a time, I was still in pain. I talked to a surgeon – no way! I also tried chiropractors and acupuncture to no avail.
I went to 3 different physical therapy facilities and though I learned from each of them I never felt valued in these places. I would be greeted and manipulated for a few minutes, but then told to go over to another part of the facility and work on my exercises. Was I doing the exercise correctly? What was the next one? Would it be rude to interrupt the therapist who was now with another person to ask for help and/or assistance? Is anyone paying attention to me? Does anyone care? These questions and more would run through my head.
Fortunately for me, a friend brought me to one of Gianna’s workshops. I decided to give her a try and am thankful that I did. Gianna would spend the entire hour with me manipulating my back, teaching me exercises, making sure that I was doing them correctly, and most importantly, making me feel that I was valued. At one point I switched over to Carly who also spent each hour with me and also made me feel valued. I am now able to walk further and do more things for longer periods of time than I was before. I have the tools to make sure that my pain does not return in the debilitating way it had before and most fortunately for me, I know that I will always have a place to go if anything should change or worse case something else goes wrong. Thanks to Carly and Gianna I now have my life back and the energy to be active, out walking, riding my bike, and playing with my grandson.
Thanks again to both of you for all you have done for me.