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Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, occurs when the ligaments that keep the shoulder joint together tighten as a result of inflammation, limiting the joint's mobility. Patients will typically experience frozen shoulders in three phases:


  • Stage 1: Moving the shoulder becomes painful, even with the simplest of tasks. 

  • Stage 2: Pain subsides, but the shoulder becomes stiffer and more difficult to move. 

  • Stage 3: Stiffness decreases, and the shoulder’s range of motion gradually returns.

The mainstay of treatment for frozen shoulder is physical therapy. A physical therapist can provide exercises to help restore the range of motion and mobility of the shoulder. Physical treatment and patience can cure frozen shoulder in more than 90% of instances. But, even when physical therapy is done consistently, it still may take up to a year to gain back all lost shoulder function.


At Fluid Physio, our physical therapists will work with you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan and get you back to your daily life pain free. Call us at 609-436-0366 or email us at to schedule your appointment today.

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